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Monday, July 2, 2007

Dressing kids- a major league challenge

The wives of Jason Varitek, Ron Mahay, Joe Borowski and Doug Mirabelli (how did this crew assemble?) created this website, after confronting the unenviable task of spending "a long time trying to outfit their kids to attend baseball games".

Holy friggin' crap. I'm imagining Tatum Borowski furiously rummaging through her kids' mammoth walk-in closets trying to spot something "comfy and chic." See, this is difficult, because "Children of athletes endure the public eye and are always looking for the newest ways to show support to their parents as well as look adorable." I tried to add an html code that would allow you to puke in a tidy box somewhere within this blog post, but I couldn't find it.

Deadspin- The giant of sports related sarcasm has linked to lefty's blog. Awesome.


THE BRYGUY said...

Good find, but I will once again say it's because you have way too much time on your hands.

Anonymous said...

The Globe finally picked up on this today. What they lack in timeliness they make up for in fair, unsarcastic, non-judgemental "reporting".

Filthy Fowl said...

I hear that while dressing his kids in the morning, Mirabelli proudly proclaims "Dougie's going deep tonight."